Bouchta SAHRAOUIProfessor CEx University of Angers, Photonics Laboratory of Angers LPHIA, SFR MATRIX, 2 Bd Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex, France office phone: +33 2 41 73 54 89 fax: +33 2 41 73 52 16 e-mail:firstname(dot)lastname(at)univ-angers(dot)fr
Short Biography
Professor Bouchta SAHRAOUI was born in Morocco. He received his M.Sc. degree in Physics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) in 1992 and obtained his PhD degree in Physics in 1996 at the University of Angers (France) and at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (1998) with the highest distinction in France and Poland. Professor SAHRAOUI obtained his habilitation diploma in 2001 at Angers University and since 2003; he has held the position of Professor of Physics. From 2010 to 2022, he conducted his research in the Institute of Sciences and Molecular Technologies of Angers (MOLTECH Anjou, UMR CNRS 6200). At the present, Professor SAHRAOUI is member of the Photonics Laboratory (LPHIA), SFR MATRIX, University of Angers. Professor SAHRAOUI was promoted to Professor CEx 2 (the highest recognition in France) in September 2011. Since 2008 he is Executive Editor of Optical and Quantum Electronic (Springer Nature) and since 2010 he is also Associate Editor of Optical Materials (Elsevier). In June 2022, Professor SAHRAOUI was nominated as Member of the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, Morocco.
Professor SAHRAOUI is a physicist specializing in nonlinear optic (NLO), molecular photonic and the electrical properties of molecular materials. Prof. SAHRAOUI has published more than 430 peer-reviewed journal articles, he has more than 7400 citations (according to ISI Web of science) and his Hirsch-index is currently 54 (cf. Web of Science). He has conducted 9 European collaborative projects, managed 3 national grants and coordinated 8 bilateral research contracts and chaired many prestigious international conferences. He has supervised 35 MSc students, 21 PhD candidates and 14 postdoctoral researchers. The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation awarded Professor SAHRAOUI five times of its price for excellent research. Recently the prestigious US University of Stanford ranked the Professor SAHRAOUI among the top 2% of the most cited scientists internationally and among the top 2% of scientist’s personalities who had the greatest impact on the scientific community.
Research interests and field of expertise
Research interests include utilization of nonlinear optics as a tool of diagnostic and characterization, particularly investigation of new highly polarised compounds (organic and inorganic) including biomolecules for Molecular Photonics, Nanophotonics, Nonlinear Optical and Energy Applications.