- Grant N° NMP4-CT- 2004- 013525 (STREP 013525 Hy3M) titled " Hydrogen-bond Geared Mechanically interlocked Motors" (2005-2008),
- COST - European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST Action MP0702 (2008-2012)
- REG-Pot Biossupport (7ème PCRD - Capacities) Grant agreement n° 245588, (2010-2013)
- Contract number FA8655-06-M-4003, Contracting Officer European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, titled: : Photoconducting, Charge Mobility, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of DNA : 2006-2008.
- Research Action under INTAS program with Lviv University Ukraine, n° 03-55-764 (2004-2006),
- Bilateral Research program Polonium grant JH/RE n°82/239590 with Cracow University (Poland) 2005- 2006,
- Bilateral Research program Dnipro grant N/ref. :JH/RE n°82/240293 with Lviv University Ukraine 2005- 2006
- Bilateral Research program Polonium grant n° 14159UJ with Polytechnique school of Wroclaw Poland 2007-2008
- Bilateral Research program BRANCUSI GRANT N° 14935YC, with University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (2007-2008).
- Bilateral Research program Gilibert n°19988TE, with Vilnius University Lithuania 2009-2010
Domestic GRANTS
- ANR PNANO - TTF-Based Nanomat N° ANR-07-NANO-030-02
- Regional grant: 3